I would like a Tracked version, that is a Troop carrying Armed vehicle, with swiveling Missile rack & Gatling on top. I want it dependent on a Drone put up & ahead. I want to reduce damage by limiting visual contact. Automate anti-Aircraft mode in range, if a Gunship can reach then it can reach the Gunship.
This is a low altitude Chopper, it's Aerial part is small & high meaning there should be nothing to shoot at, avoiding heat detection beneath. Requires Airspace control. Put a shield in the middle so half the men can get out with a Rocket, cover the join outside.

- Auto start incoming, phosphorous Grenades.
- Quad & spare Drone capable
- Logistical benefits, same ammo as choppers.
- Familiar tactics reduce distraction
This is a popular design & engineers would like me to continue, it has to be here.
It is a front line vehicle that leaves a Missile Crew if it is destroyed. The Crew should be able to remove equipment from the Quad & Seat Three people on a Plank or something straight to extract themselves. Otherwise It will take Some Missiles, the equipment of the Two who have to follow it & Drone image feed.
Incoming Missile
Having short range Missiles there is considerable warning of an incoming, at max range about 20 Seconds. The Bright Phosphorus is usually for smoke, potentially useful, but the flash will blind the lock & redirect heat seekers. Trouble begins when the evasive movement is predicted by footage. Don't drive very fast, into the Smoke & zig zagging, get out of the Vehicle when the Grenades are gone.
Try: 1 Second Fuse at 2 Second intervals to one side, turn around. Have another go the other side when it dissipates. Loud alarm incoming so you can approach the Vehicle.