
The Archangel Michael

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

CS Post Content

I have been hindered to failing, the "Koppa" Symbol like the volt symbol was blacked out in the Post, fixed at the time of this note.

Services Vehicle

Negative IIV on true image & VII on negative identified Wales as a Services Vehicle, like the backward writting on an Ambulance or Police Car, Koppa Traffick.

Blood imminent

Pugsley's operation & Neuro System have been found most offensive to Life on Earth & multiple contracts are taking effect. He has been told to stay out of the Country or die, following Sexual excitement supporting negative agenda.

Offenders on the Hill are Red condition & a Death is expected.


Labour have failed to dismiss Conservative installed Nodes in key positions, that requires Managment replacement right across Civil Service & has left us without fath, hope or charity according to God, who said a Prognosis reasons incompetence out of Apathy, a cosy relationship with Conservative Policy.

Managers at CID installed by the Conservatives generate creeping Nuclear risk as if they are achieving something here.

CS or CϞ (Koppa or Volt Symbol)

We've learned about the CID, C identity. Civil Service - CS is the "Voltage" meaning level of Force by numbers or excitement of fewer. C is See or assault, as the things in Eye Images, an Enemy. 

We find "Services" Koppas, originating with Copper Armour on invading Forces. That includes Emergency Services & Special Air Service, who usually do Door Work. The magnitude of Police Systems against Quarters Democracy is unknown, but Quatering Democracy cons on it's own.

Charles a Typhoon

Charles Avian are a historic internal Conflict inc.the Civil War & burning of London. A Tidal Wave of Organised Crime followed. Recent copying & deletion of my Files has been blamed on a Charles pose based on One of my own. Contact is heavy handed, so I was surprised to be approached about Morian Art Today following the Axe given to Wales.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Labour Budget Sumit

God says how dare you burn my Son in the Holy Place through the Night to cause corrupt representation, you're getting fuck- all.

Monarchy & Wales

A Report drew comparisons between Italy's Relationship with Sicily & Monarchy with Wales. The Italian Boot shaped Continent Kicks the Mafia like a Ball & Scotland are accused of controlling Wales the same to Organised Crime.

The Report is important because Veronika has been a gory anomaly on occasion or with the group all at once including the Crucifixion. The Welsh Princess is reported to suffer deliberate disconnection from Her Heir making Her vulnerable.

Veronika Avian are overloaded with Crime messages then sent to Charitable groups like the Heart Christ Family cut off from the responsibility of their own. A Scape Goat is first found of the Four Quarters - Wales, then One is found of that Quarter - Veronika, who is sent to serve Christ for protection & gathers suitors for the same leaving them annoyed.

The Four Quarters are an Avian Society controlled by CID, all have specialised use & repeat Histories & Relations as a framework for activities.

Sunday, October 13, 2024


The Total annihilation of Crowns upon the Hill bar Jesus & Heir was a dispute in China manifest by the killing of representatives of World Regions.

Complex Mirrors

An image on the back of the Cole Tree showing Jade Axed had a Mirror signal VII that opposed an Axe here having IIV. A Mirror area in the Lower Garden was used for the Axe until alarm was raised. The Axe Handle will be destroyed Today.

A Problem occurs when I connect to the Eva Avian that is of her Family's making & I dislike to part, not because I have to talk to Cara without responsible Social return but because Human contact in general is neccesary to overcome Bird World, who think we are unimportant. A Report stated another absentee, Welsh Crown Beth Cutler was mugged to a hostile position toward Jade, who is mugged each day. As a mug I refuse to accept messengers should be held responsible for family orders, usually mugged themselves by CID.

Male & Female parted


A little bald man who looks like a Child Strangler was brought to work at ALDI & kill Her at the River Bed beyond the Gates, with the authority of the M Avian Lancaster in the curly haired man.


The ordinary Company of Holy People tending the Hilltop were called Levites, meaning Leave I, that is Ancient Symbolism for an Erect Penis. It has long been said that God rejects Adultery. God accepts all things upon the Earth in their proper time or application, he rejects Sexual distraction where his will is heard.

Some Royals have been invited to hear God, now God says do not find Sexual reasons to be in my Wood. Standardised Sex here is of Roman invader Government that hate the Native authority of God.


At the beginning of Trees there were Mushrooms, Spores capable of lasting from then until now. At the beginning of Walking Flesh also, Plant matter originating with Fungi. Micro Organisms are of intelligent Cells belonging to Cellular Life, like those that understand a Mission in your Blood Stream.


Because Dirt is of Plant Debris only Water, Sand, Rock & Clay were available for Fungi. 

What Signals can we take from Mushroom Clouds? an inevitable end of Life, or a return to basic Life? It looks that way. There are solutions to all kinds of natural problems on Earth.

God says the Speech of the Prophet upon the Hill is above the reasoning of Avian & Science & should not be Second to Secret knowledge or administration concerning Apocalypse.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

ALDI Suspect

The George III Avian called Lancaster is identified again as Cara Avian disemboweller in Water Nymphs (likeness). It's important to the Eva mutilation enquiry because his own waist is indicated cut also. We are looking into authority beyond him. The enquiry is important to the Red Dragon Desolation enquiry.


The long neck of the Archangel Statue indicates the image is of memory, now that we see the Jesus Clone Charles. The Hair is also correct according to a Paranormal image here.

Proof reading denied

Everyone has complained about errors, we cannot finish edits because of interference every day by Kent Police. Sometimes the Posts are hacked.

King of the South & North

The Daniel Scriptures appear to be a framework within which the England authority North of London is not in the Power of Kent, but Wales & Crown Lancaster. Eva is reported former Granddaughter to Lancaster a Robotic heir & the line of Christ King of South. So every Generation has a Scriptural base. The Scrpture would have to be a Mirror in that case because Eva is Daughter of the North. This Generation saw a Female Crown of Wales Beth Cutler, Eva removed for Her deceased Mother who is Crown.

Crucifixion category injury

Hospital Lane Dental Clinic Staff have been breaking bits off my Front Teeth during Night raids here. Kill their Animal implants. Crucifixion related assaults here encourage Apocalypse urgency, thoroughness & neccesity.


He is a Conservative Opposition plant for concessions with the former Conservative lead & the injuries took place under his Government as if the Conservatives still hold their position.

Judgement News

Avian in Pandora formerly called Caracalla & Paul Black formerly called Hitler are charged with the final killing of Jesus during the Black Death, reducing Human control of the Species & having direct Apocalypse effect. They killed England & France at Germany a Report stated. 

Caracalla was called a Woman out standing in her field when farmers bulldozed Her Hill, One of Seven reported locally having Megaliths, & Paul Black was called a Cunt.

Friday, October 11, 2024


Moon over Moriah & Divs Parked East. We expect Mushroom Season & Harvest Apocalypse.

Adam & Eve it

Adam & Eve Avian are identified in George & Chatlotte as well as Cara Cain & Beth Seth. Adam is suspected of presence in Saul, Samual acknowledged a distorted account. Older than they bear rule with another form of Neuro System it would appear.

At this stage we are assuming Six possible Agents with the same identity by Three divided Bird Brains. The Agents have been recognised as fractals similar to one another.

Sit don't Shit

Former authorities without authority to build here do not have the authority to sit either, Fool. Sit in the Bushes on the plot to the Right, Where the former Temple was when you have clearance by the Command. There are supposed to be no Men on the Hill.

Lancaster under the magnifying Glass

It's tempting to accuse him of raping the former Mrs. Cole by coercive Hierarchy. That is the prognosis having heir Avian within Her. The whole Family have a Child with a stretched Ass according to God, so it's more complex than isolating the Wannabe Morian Authority for all blame.

The other Veronika Avian need to make themselves agreeable to qualify for a gift from Moriah.


The alternative pronunciation of Arc is partially supported by Homosexual nuisance at the events of the Deaths of Royalty on Moriah Past. Ark of the Covenant would be Arse from the legal arrangement. That's where complications deny, No.10 are a Contemporary Noncing Fag on Moriah & there were Ten Commandments. Those Commandments are different in procedure, perhaps confused to cover less agreeable things.